My Transformation Secrets by Tom Beal

by Admin on November 17, 2010

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  • Jane

    Hi Tom,

    This was a good idea! I loved your video/pictures and voice. Well done. Go Green and make a movement like pay it forward ! I will share this with my pier group.

    Have a nice day!

    All the best from
    Jane Alice Strand

    • Anonymous

      Thanks Jane! Hope it is helpful & inspirational.

  • Matt Gill


    that is all

    • Anonymous

      Haha! Thanks Matt!

  • Jeff Grounds

    Hmmm.. I’ve just started making some personal changes to get in shape as you have. I’m 5 11′ 193lbs 35inch waste. Wanting to get in tip top shape to begin the new year. Look forward to some of your insights here. I’ve just learned how important the acid level in my body is and how important my PH level is in getting healthy and losing weight.

    • Anonymous

      Great choice Jeff! Keep me posted on your progress & feedback.

  • Jim Grandstaff

    Dude, love it man! Congrats! – James Grandstaff

    • Anonymous

      Thanks James!


    Dude…the left pic looks like where I’m at…with my girl being 7 1/2 months pregnant, I need this….

    • Anonymous

      Haha! Good to hear man! Congrats on the upcoming baby. You have just enough time to get back in shape before it’s born. Better start today though! :)


    Congrats dude…I’m gonna follow your system and see if I can drop 30 pounds?

    • Anonymous

      Awesome! You can do it. Hit me up after you read it with any questions. Just got a call from Mike Morgan today telling me of his 1st week results. He’ll drop about 30 pounds or so in 30-45 days with just a few small steps discussed in the report like: cutting out beer/alcohol, drinking about a gallon of water per day, not eating late at night, etc. Make it happen! Tom

  • Ray Edwards

    Very inspiring Tom – especially since I realize now that on this year’s Marketers Cruise I’ll be taking my BEFORE photo! ;-)

    • Anonymous

      Haha! Ray, my before photo on this page IS from this January 2010 Marketers Cruise. My pictures on this January’s cruise will be even more fit than my after picture above. I saw those pics from the cruise in January earlier this year and was not happy, but still didn’t make my decision to get fit until six months later in July. You still have time to get some changes in one month. Mike Morgan is making huge leaps and bounds 1 week into it already…in preparation for the cruise. See you soon! Tom

  • Matt Zembruski

    Way to go, Tom! Congrats man. What a great story. I look forward to seeing the report and learning how you did it. Keep up the great work!

    • Anonymous

      Thanks Matt! Look forward to hearing your feedback after the quick read. Hope all is well! Tom

  • Ben Brooks

    Great stuff Tom!

    Just taken my ‘before’ photo :)

    I’ve put on about 35 pounds in the last year alone since I quit my roofing job to become a full time internet marketer.

    I look like a weeble (Weebles Wobble but they don’t fall down!) lol


    I’m looking forward to checking out the new me in 60 days time.

    Ben “Weebles Wobble” Brooks

    • Anonymous

      Glad to hear you have begun your transformation, Ben! Way to go!

      Keep me posted on your progress and I look forward to hearing about your results soon!


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